Apple Inc.’s top executive overseeing its Siri virtual assistant told staff that delays to key features have been ugly and ...
Apple faces internal discontent and criticism over delays to Siri features, with a senior director admitting setbacks in AI ...
Apple is struggling more than you might think with the development of Siri's AI upgrade, according to a recent Siri team ...
Siri has undergone some improvements thanks to Apple Intelligence, such as a new visual cue for when the assistant is active ...
留给苹果「定义下一代智能助手」的时间不多了。作者|张勇毅编辑|郑玄在 WWDC 2024,苹果在公布「下一代 AI 产品」的规划中,除了目前的 Apple Intelligence 之外,还有一个集成了苹果自研大模型的新版 ...
当全球科技巨头在生成式AI领域展开军备竞赛时,苹果公司或将为其战略迟缓付出代价。原计划搭载于iPhone16的Siri智能升级计划遭遇瓶颈,从WWDC ...
Apple's ongoing promise to improve its vocal assistant Siri with Apple Intelligence has still not been fulfilled, and looks ...
Per the inside account of Apple’s issues, Robby Walker, a senior director in Apple’s Siri division, held an all-hands meeting ...
苹果发言人宣称的Apple Intelligence Siri 要等到「明年」陆续推出,并没有给出一个具体时间点。就目前更新速度来看,最大可能性要等到2026 年iOS 19 更新才苹果才会推出全新Siri 。 苹果官方所称的「年」其实指的是WWDC ...
此外,Siri的迟延发布也使得苹果在语音助手市场的竞争中显得更为脆弱。面对以性能著称的竞争对手,用户对于苹果的期望逐步转向了失望。因Siri的不足以及Apple Intelligence的遇冷,苹果的潜在消费者可能会向其他品牌转移,尤其是在越来越多新的智能设备和功能在市面上推出的情况下。市场竞争正在酝酿新的格局,苹果需要更为紧迫的应对措施。