Decades ago we warned that the public promotion of the radical sexual agendas would have worrying and lasting repercussions.
In that article I discussed a volume by Douglas Wilson: A Serrated Edge (CanonPress, 2003). The book’s subtitle is this: “A ...
Reflections on being an outsider: OK, a bit of a personal piece here. I often tell some of the conservative movers and shakers of today… ...
So the Christian, whether reading the Bible or any other book, needs to know a bit about how literature works, and things ...
Believers can have differing views on things like AI, but the discerning Christian will know that we must fully face these ...
Thus the modern transhumanist/posthumanist worldview is religious. It is a counterfeit religion of course, but it is ...
Christians of all people should of course know that this world is NOT all there is. Indeed, this world is transitory and ...
Of course controversy for the sake of controversy is not to be engaged in. But controversy that comes about because of a ...
The first of two works by Geisler, this one is subtitled, “A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties.” Coming in at over 600 ...