彼得·马扎尔: 总理奥尔班醉驾,在哈特万普斯塔建造豪华庄园,有斑马、棕榈屋、装甲车 ...
The United States has long been seen as a land of opportunity, a place where people from around the world seek better economic prospects, political freedoms, and social mobility. Immigration to the ...
唐纳德·特朗普是美国历史上最具争议和分歧的总统之一。他的外交政策自首次当选以来就一直是争论的焦点,部分原因是他的“美国优先”原则。他注重以交易方式处理国际关系,将美国的利益置于传统外交惯例之上。 现在唐纳德·特朗普已经连任第二任期 ...
卡波圣卢卡斯位于墨西哥下加利福尼亚半岛的南端,是寻求阳光、沙滩和冒险的旅行者的梦想之地。无论是计划悠闲的海滩度假、浪漫的蜜月旅行还是充满刺激的假期,前往卡波都比您想象的要容易。在本指南中,我们将向您介绍到达这个热带天堂的最佳方式 ...
市法院周二在一项不具约束力的裁决中,认定布达佩斯市政府未能选出副市长是其错误。 法院在一份声明中指出,布达佩斯政府办公室已对市政府提起诉讼。 法院已确定市政府“未能履行其法定职责,从其成员中选出至少一名议员担任副市长”。 法院在一份 ...
Police reported that during the modernization work of a car park near Budapest Airport's Terminal 2, American bombs were ...
A draft decree by the National Economy Ministry would limit the employment period of guest workers at big investment sites.
Minister of Transport and Construction János Lázár talked about ticks in Fidesz in a Kisvárda forum and said they should be ...
There will be a peaceful assembly in Budapest's Heroes' Square for Former President Rodrigo Duterte facing human rights crime charges.
The number of births in February fell by 9.1 percent, while deaths were down by 0.7 percent compared with the same month the previous year.
The ambassadros believe that the Hungarian government will restrict the right to peaceful assembly after accepting the new ...
All EU member states should be able to benefit from cohesion policy funding "without bias or discrimination" the Hungarian government believes.