Utilizamos cookies para asegurarnos de que tenga usted la mejor experiencia de navegación posible en el sitio web del Consejo. Ciertas cookies sirven para obtener estadísticas agregadas sobre las ...
Neuvosto keskustelee komission tiedonannosta, joka käsittelee maatalous- ja elintarvikevisiota. Kalastusministerit ...
The EU cyber defence policy aims to enhance cooperation and investments to better detect, deter, and protect and defend ...
The Council of the EU represents the member states' governments. It is where national ministers and experts from each EU country meet to: negotiate and adopt EU laws conclude international agreements ...
32. The European Union is committed to the Pact for the Future, which is a crucial step towards revitalising the United Nations, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and reforming the ...
Преглед на основните теми, които ще бъдат обсъдени на заседанията на Съвета на ЕС през следващите две седмици, и предстоящи медийни прояви.
On 20 March, the European Council adopted conclusions on competitiveness, European defence and security and migration.
Síntese dos principais temas a debater nas reuniões do Conselho da UE nas próximas duas semanas e dos futuros eventos para os média.
Pagrindinių temų, kurios bus aptariamos ES Tarybos posėdžiuose artimiausias dvi savaites, ir būsimų renginių žiniasklaidai apžvalga.
Επισκόπηση των κύριων θεμάτων που θα συζητηθούν στις συνόδους του Συμβουλίου της ΕΕ το επόμενο δεκαπενθήμερο και προσεχείς εκδηλώσεις για τα μέσα ενημέρωσης.
Az Európai Unió Tanácsának ülésein a következő két hétben napirenden lévő fő témák és a soron következő médiaesemények áttekintése.
EU leaders and social partners met in Brussels and held a discussion focused on restoring Europe’s competitiveness.