Investigación apunta a Europa y Norteamérica por la reproducción y exportación ilegales de ranas venenosas de Colombia.
Exports of long-tailed macaques from Cambodia will remain legal pending further review, despite recommendations for a ...
Un nuevo estudio reveló que Chile es el país con la mayor mortalidad de ballenas por colisión con buques a nivel mundial.
Zoila Mora Guzmán es una científica indígena mazateca, nacida en Oaxaca, en el sur de México, especializada en bioquímica y ...
As the early morning mist lifts over the plains of northern Uganda, women gather at the Pader Shea Nut and Agro-processing ...
At around 5:30 a.m., after the tide starts to recede, Zulkifli Dalimunthe rushes to the shore a stone’s throw from his house, ...
It’s a proven fact: the relationship between rising global temperatures and the number of climate-related disasters is ...
In the dry and windswept plains of the Adré refugee camp in eastern Chad, a grove of young neem trees stands as a testament ...
The return of the floating structures shows the resilience of illegal gold mining in the Amazon, which destroys the riverbeds ...
Ecuador completed a debt-for-nature swap to support Amazon conservation through the creation of the Amazon Biocorridor. While ...
Honey-hunters in northern Mozambique rely on honeyguide birds to locate three-quarters of their harvest each year, a new ...
Big cats, birds, primates and pangolins were among the nearly 20,000 threatened or protected animals rescued in a recent ...