If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
승객 150여 명을 태운 태백선 무궁화호 열차가 고라니와 충돌해 2시간 넘게 운행하지 못하고 있습니다. 오늘(27일) 오후 4시 반쯤 강원도 태백시 추전역 인근 태백선 단선 철도에서 강원도 동해시에서 서울 청량리로 출발한 ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
이번에는 재난방송 스튜디오를 연결해 산불 확산 상황, 지도와 CCTV로 입체적으로 분석해 보겠습니다. 김세현 기자, 현재 전국 산불 상황부터 먼저 전해주시죠.