Lorsque vous composez le 3-1-1, vous tentez probablement d’obtenir une réponse à une question précise. Heidi Fowers, administratrice de la base de connaissances de la Ville, s’assure que l’agent ou ...
The knowledge base is different from ottawa.ca. It includes a lot more detail and it is customized with specific information. So, when a 3-1-1 agent takes a service request, they have a lot of ...
registration, programs, drop-in activities, rental parks, arenas and rooms, swimming, skating, fitness, sport ...
Earl Mulligan Drive Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Study Cycling, Pathways and Sidewalks, Roads, Sewer, Water and Wastewater Planning Planning underway Delmar Drive and Playfair Drive – New sidewalks, ...
The Committee also approved a zoning amendment to facilitate development of a 22-storey building southwest of Scott Street and Clifton Road in Westboro. The building would have 241 dwellings and ...
Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t provoke an aggressive driver further by making negative eye contact or gesturing. Show them they can’t distract you from driving safely. Always be a courteous driver.
Ce scénario ne dépeint que quelques exemples de ce qui est jugé comme une conduite agressive. Selon la province de l’Ontario, la conduite agressive comprend : couper la route à d’autres conducteurs, ...
The Environment and Climate Change Committee today approved entering into an agreement with Nokia Canada to design and build a local watermain along Legget Drive. The watermain would service Nokia’s ...
Le Comité de la planification et du logement a approuvé aujourd’hui des demandes d’aménagement qui pourraient bientôt donner lieu à la construction de 342 nouveaux logements à Hintonburg et Westboro.
The Urban Design Review Panel is an independent panel of volunteer design professionals who provide an objective peer review of projects within the City’s Design Priority Areas. The Panel plays an ...
Pre-authorized debits (PADs) are a convenient way to pay your property tax by setting up automatic monthly payments or scheduled payments twice a year. Most financial institutions offer online, ...
get a calendar, request new bins, report a missed collection ...