Um levantamento feito com o apoio de cinco sociedades científicas norte-americanas da área de biologia mostrou que ...
O novo Plano Nacional de Recuperação da Vegetação Nativa (Planaveg), lançado em dezembro pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente e ...
Em pesquisas feitas no Pará, a arqueóloga cava buracos nas teorias que tentam explicar a ocupação amazônica. Uma “briga” acadêmica que não esconde diferenças ideológicas. A primeira, do “paraíso ...
Graduate programs in the US and Canada are formalizing their expectations of the professional skills and core competencies that PhD students should have developed by the time they graduate. That was ...
In the first few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when social distancing measures were implemented and followed by much of the Brazilian population, a weakness was exposed in the food supply ...
Born in Lima, climatologist José Antonio Marengo received a degree in physics and meteorology in Peru and spent eight years in the United States, where he completed a PhD and two postdoctoral ...
An escalating homeless crisis, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic, has seen entire families — along with their pets and belongings — taking refuge in makeshift tents on city streets and public ...
A study carried out by researchers from the School of Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) has analyzed the influence of predatory journals—international open ...
In 1819, a 58-year-old mineralogist, with degrees in Law and Philosophy from the University of Coimbra, member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, and former Portuguese government employee, embarked on ...
“Onde estão os nossos desaparecidos?” Diante da pergunta afixada na parede, cercada pelos retratos de 42 homens e mulheres desaparecidos na época da ditadura militar, uma equipe que inclui arqueólogos ...
In a June episode of the Mano a Mano podcast, Mano Brown and Thaíde talked about the changes they had seen in Pedreira, a neighborhood in the far south of São Paulo that the rappers both know well.
Índia faz acordo com 30 editoras para franquear o conteúdo de 13 mil revistas a seus pesquisadores ...