"Chick flicks" are the ultimate guilty pleasures, given the title, because they're primarily geared toward female viewers, ...
Break-ups can be devastating, heartbreaking, liberating, and cleansing all at once. They often elicit many different emotions ...
Video games easily suck us into the vortex of the virtual world, and it can be difficult not to get enthralled in a game for ...
Coachella is right around the corner, and you know what that means: Tons of crochet blouses, boho-chic fringe, hot and dusty ...
It’s slightly odd that movie versions of stage musicals did not follow on the heels of 1927’s The Jazz Singer, the first ...
Celebrity relationships oftentimes feel like they change more often than we do our socks, but that doesn't mean we're not ...
With the amount of celebrity lookalikes roaming through Hollywood, audiences inevitably mistake one actor for another when ...
For over fifty years, the James Bond franchise has delivered some of the most exciting movies ever released. From the ...
To borrow a phrase from another controversial series, it’s been a long road for Star Trek: Discovery. Discovery was developed ...
With the possible exception of Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg remains the first name people think of when they hear the ...
Of the many superhero cartoons that dominated Fox Kids in the early 1990s, two stood out amongst the pack. First, Batman: The ...
Fans consider the 1980s the high point of horror cinema for a reason. With home video becoming a standard part of every ...