Spread over an area of 11 hectares, the sanctuary has almost 30,000 square metres of semi-natural outdoor enclosure space designed to stimulate the bears’ natural behaviours. There are five double ...
Bear bile has been used for thousands of years in traditional Asian medicine. It contains high levels of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) known to be useful for treating liver and gall bladder conditions.
More than 10,000 bears – mainly moon bears, but also sun bears and brown bears – are kept on bile farms across Asia. The bears are subjected to regular bile extraction. The bile, which contains ...
Below are the guidelines for joining Dr Dog in Hong Kong. All potential volunteers must: be over the age of 18 and have their own dog. be clean and presentable at all times. be committed to the ...
The China Bear Rescue Centre in Chengdu was Animals Asia’s first bear sanctuary and also the first of its kind in the world. An adventurous project, it is a safe haven combining secure, semi-natural ...
Many of the bears we receive are in a shocking condition and suffering from serious health conditions. Most are likely to have an inflamed gall bladder and abdominal infections. Some also suffer from ...
We operate bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where our bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of bile extraction.Our world-class bear ...
Consumer facing campaigns that can increase awareness on animal welfare issues and raise much needed funds, but also aligning our brands will drive sales and improve brand loyalty. Fundraising or ...
You can help Animals Asia in a number ways - from sponsoring a bear to holding your own fundraiser. Click on the menu on the left for ways to support our work. Alternatively, sign up to become a ...
Animals in Asia’s zoos and safari parks suffer a range of abuses. Captive wild animals are often cruelly mutilated with their teeth and claws cut back. They may also be chained and used as ...