Feedlot placements during February totaled 1.55 million head, 18 percent below 2024. During February, placements of calves ...
The majority of respondents in the March Ag Economists' Monthly Monitor agree the U.S. is currently in a trade war, but who ...
The two men arrested were charged with theft of livestock–organized criminal activity which involved six ranches and a sale ...
New program offers two options for Wagyu beef producers — certified meat program and process verified program.
Food insecurity remains prevalent in the U.S. with sparsely-populated rural areas often being disproportionally affected. Rural communities comprise 63% of all U.S. counties but 87% of counties with ...
Johne’s disease is gaining greater attention among beef cattle producers and veterinarians who work with beef cattle. Johne’s was first described in Germany early in the 20th century and is caused by ...
Beef packers saw significant margin improvement the week ending August 30, while pork packer margins, though down from the previous week, were sharply higher than a year ago, says John Nalivka, ...
Have you ever received a text message where someone abbreviated some words and you have no idea what they mean? We often get lost in abbreviations and their exact meaning. Abbreviations are a common ...
In the last two weeks the average weekly fed cattle harvest total has been 480,000 head, a total reduction of 30,000 head (-3%) over the two-week span compared to a year ago. Progressing into February ...
Less than a year after USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it was nixing a major cattle ...
After years of work and regulatory paperwork, the The Hemp Feed Coalition announces Hemp Seed Meal for laying hens has been recommended by FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine and voted by AAFCO into ...
Rett Blume, Pierre, S.D., was the junior division champion in the Apr. 15, carcass and live cattle evaluation contest at HRC Feed Yards LLC in Scott City, Kan. Pecos Worrell, Harper, Texas, was the ...