The Soldier’s Reward: Love and War in the Age of the French Revolution and Napoleon by Jennifer Ngaire Heuer and Matchmaking ...
Eager to be first in line, the astute James VI of Scotland responded to the question of the English succession with a war of ...
Thousand-headed is Purusha, thousand-eyed, thousand-footed. He covered the earth on all sides and stood above it the space of ...
Annabel Teh Gallop is Head of the Southeast Asia Section at the British Library.
Before the Library of Alexandria there was the Library of Ashurbanipal – an Assyrian king who collected the knowledge of ...
Paul I of Russia was the son and successor of Catherine the Great, who took the Romanov throne away from her feeble-minded husband, Tsar Peter III, and had him killed in 1762, an event which ever ...
In April 1945 ten British politicians flew to Germany tasked with investigating the ‘truth’ about Buchenwald concentration ...
King Lewanika’s invitation to the coronation of Edward VII was intended to stabilise British relations with the Barotse ...
In its first two centuries of existence Christianity witnessed the persecution of many of its members by officials of the Roman Empire; the causes of these persecutions have been and continue to be ...
The New York Times, as it so often does, described the scene perfectly: The brokers stood perfectly thunderstruck for a moment, and then there was a general run to notify the different houses of Wall ...
Less famous than its 1215 predecessor, the Magna Carta of 1225 held the true power.
In 1789, Catholicism was the official religion of France – five years later worship was suppressed. The French Revolution posed problems for religion, but religion also posed plenty of problems for ...