As the digital transformation of global industries continues to pick up pace, enterprise networks need to not only provide basic connectivity, but also better serve future business needs of ...
Safety and Reliability: The LUNA2000 incorporates multi-level proactive protection, including physical isolation, circuit breaker protection, and fault identification. The cloud-based Battery ...
Für den Fall, dass Sie uns Informationen über mögliche Compliance-Verstöße zukommen lassen möchten, haben wir ein Online-Meldesystem für Hinweise auf Missstände eingerichtet. Unser Online-Meldesystem ...
A combination of digitalization and decarbonization will drive a new era of green development. Together with its customers and partners, Huawei will continuously innovate, use green ICT to empower ...
A Huawei é uma empresa independente e de capital fechado. Não pertencemos nem somos controlados por nenhum governo, tampouco somos afiliados a algum, nem por qualquer outra corporação de terceiros. Na ...
随着人工智能应用的快速发展、高性能计算设备和GPU服务器的使用,单机架用电规模已朝着20千瓦-30千瓦,甚至50千瓦演进。用电密度提升对数据中心制冷系统带来前所未有的挑战,传统制冷方式已无法满足此类高密度的散热需求。 为此,华为研发出了全液冷 ...
6G is the next-generation advanced mobile communications system, but it will go far beyond communications. 6G will serve as a distributed neural network that provides communication links to fuse the ...
今天的华为,就像梅花,梅花飘香是因为她经历了严寒淬炼。我们面临的压力无疑是巨大的,但我们也有增长机会、有组合韧性、有差异化优势、有客户和伙伴的信任和敢于压强式投入。因此,我们有信心战胜艰难困苦,实现持续生存和发展。 轮值董事长 徐直 ...
We are rapidly expanding our workforce and offer a unique opportunity to help shape the future of telecommunications in Switzerland. Huawei’s corporate vision is to enrich life through communication.
We have worked with carriers and partners worldwide to accelerate digital transformation and facilitate customers' business success in the 5G era. At the end of 2022, the number of 5G users across the ...
Als einer der global führenden Anbieter digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sind wir langjähriger und zuverlässiger Partner der deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber und vieler ...