Red Hot Chili Peppers Scar Tissue Tabbed out by MattW (Edited for Format by Athanathios) Much props to MattW for giving us this one, it's totally accurate, 100% in fact if I do say so myelf, it's note ...
Leaves Eyes si NYTT LAND canta la FORM SPACE din Cluj-Napoca pe 15 martie iar a doua zi, pe 16 martie, in Quantic din ...
Cu ocazia aniversarii celor 60 de ani de activitate, grupul de organizatii ICPE, a inmanat Joi, 30 Septembrie, artistului Nicolae Voiculet brevetul si medalia de aur, pentru primul nai din fibra de ...
Celebrul solist al trupei The Police, Sting, a sustinut marti seara un concert in Bucuresti in fata a peste 5.000 de persoane la Sala Palatului, alaturi de Edin Karamazov, maestru al lautei si fost ...
You?d better take your girlfriend Just pick her up and drive on to the local bar Next minute she will notice ...You?re jumping on the stage while playing rock guitar You are loud when pushing the ...
e||-----8-----|-11-----11----11-----11-----11-----11-----| B||-----b7-----|-----| G||-----|---12p11--12p11--12p11--12p11--12p11--12p11-| D||-7---7-7-----|-----| A||-0 ...
Song: Hard To Concentrate Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers Album: Stadium Arcadium Track: #3 (off 2nd disc, Mars) Xx Tabbed By Dangerous Dave xX The two versions already on here weren't quite right, or ...
Daca vorbim despre generatia hippie atunci trebuie sa ne intoarcem in anii 40 imediat dupa finele Celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial. Gasim o lume ce a vazut doua razboaie in 30 de ani si o stare de ...
Death Of A Martian chords by Red Hot Chili Peppers by pete([email protected]) Verse: Cm Bear paws and rascal power Bb Watching us in your garage Cm Big girl you ate the neighbor D# A# The nova is over ...
Dacă va înscrieți la newsletterul METALHEAD aflați primii ce trupe mari vin în România. Click aici: METALHEAD Newsletter ...
#-----PLEASE NOTE-----# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study ...
E prima data cand scriu, sper si bine..vroiam sa am un subiect mai consistent. Acu cateva luni citeam pe internet despre o formatie ROMANEASCA tribut Pink Floyd proaspat infiintata. Fiind extrem de ...