Las microalgas, cianobacterias y otros eucariotas unicelulares permiten hoy en día obtener interesantes moléculas de uso alimentario, cosmecéutico y nutracéutico como proteínas, lípidos y vitaminas.
Juan Manuel García de Lomas, un experto con una larga trayectoria en el sector de la acuicultura, ha expresado en entrevista para misPeces su profunda preocupación por la situación crítica que ...
The global fishmeal and fish oil industry has kicked off 2025 on a strong note, with significant increases in production compared to the previous year. According to market intelligence reports from ...
misPeces is published from El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz - Spain) ...
Researchers from the University of Seville and IFAPA, in Spain, have assessed the effectiveness of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in determining the fatty acid profile of Senegalese sole, a species ...
Research conducted at IATS-CSIC has revealed fascinating insights into fish adaptability under high stocking densities. Study demonstrated that gilthead sea bream habituate to repeated stressors more ...
La nacra (Pinna nobilis) es el molusco bivalvo endémico de Mar Mediterráneo más grande capaz de alcanzar 120 cm de longitud y 20 años de vida. Suele habitar lechos marinos con presencia de fanerógamas ...
The Andalusian Aquaculture Technological Centre (CTAQUA), in Spain, under the Blue Shuttle project, has announced a call for the development of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) equipped with ...
Laboratory studies play a fundamental role in the advancement of modern aquaculture, providing critical insights into the growth, physiology, and welfare of various fish species. However, their ...