We face a potential global food crisis, and no one is secure until everyone is secure.
Yes, we are pro-nuclear, but the proposed Hinkley C plant should be scrapped.
I hate to sound like a prepper, but I feel bound to confess that over the past month I’ve been stockpiling food. I think, if you can, you should do the same. I’ve put aside 25kg of rice, 15kg of dried ...
Soil carbon markets are going to collapse. And that’s a good thing.
This is how Labour’s war on regulations will stymie its own policies. It is irrational and self-destructive.
Trump’s win is a return to the default state of centralised, hierarchical societies – like ours. That’s the problem.
Hidden in the detail of the UK’s carbon capture and storage scheme are unlimited financial liabilities and huge environmental costs.
Trump’s presidency is a reversion to autocratic tyranny. Only concerted resistance can stop it from spreading.
In thinking about the war being waged against life on Earth by Donald Trump, Elon Musk and their minions, I keep bumping into a horrible suspicion. Could it be that this is not just about delivering ...
A New Politics for an Age of Crisis By George Monbiot. Published by Verso Books.
Though we might find it hard to imagine, we cannot now rule it out: the possibility of systemic collapse in the United States. The degradation of federal government by Donald Trump and Elon Musk could ...
Trump’s assaults on governance could trigger systemic collapse. Here’s how it might happen, and how we can prepare.