Rochdale Online offers completely independent local journalism with free access. Our costs are covered by advertising, but going forward this will be insufficient to continue providing the top ...
The rugby league masters community has a large number of military veterans, so Remembrance Day is the main military calendar event to be commemorated with a fixture. A Year 11 student from Whitworth ...
A by-election for North Middleton ward has been called on Thursday 31 October to replace Councillor Peter Allonby who was disqualified due to six months of non-attendance at council meetings.
If your group or organisation would like to publicise an event then you can complete and submit the Event Submission Form below*. Rochdale Online Events averages 20,000 page views each month, with ...
We are trying to share with those interested in Rochdale & Middleton life what our club does for the local community and further afield, and hope you enjoy reading the pages of this mini web site.
Local Events Listings Local events listed on Rochdale Online for the next month. Find something to do with the kids, visit an exhibition, support a charity fundraiser and lots lots more.
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We welcome all ages and abilities, coaching is available. We have 1 hard court and 3 Italian Clay courts. For more information contact Roger Ingham on 07563 787542.
Local Events Listings Local events listed on Rochdale Online for the next month. Find something to do with the kids, visit an exhibition, support a charity fundraiser and lots lots more.
The church is on Dowling St., about five minutes walk from the centre of Rochdale. We are opposite the old Fire Station (now the Fireground Museum), and across the road from Rochdale railway ...
The Group has been established since June 1923 and recently re-launched in 2018. We are currently based on Watkin Street , Rochdale, and we welcome boys and girls of any faith aged between 5 years ...