Teesside University’s grading of Outstanding follows its success in the 2023 Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) where it was ...
This initiative aligns with the UK2070 Commission’s mission to ensure that regional innovation plays a central role in the ...
Six exciting opportunities to spend your summer abroad completing a four-week programme at a partner institution. In 2025, students will have the opportunity to select one of six programmes taking ...
Events and workshops including Library skills workshops and student support activities.
Events and workshops including Library skills workshops and student support activities.
Through education enriched by research, innovation, and engagement with business and the professions, we develop the next generation of problem solvers, innovators and leaders that employers and ...
Julia Rockliffe is an accomplished Programme Manager who leads the sustainability training partnership with Teesside University. The goal of this is to ensure that much needed green skills training ...
When you study a postgraduate course you step up to the next level - a challenge that will change the way you think and work.
Professor Paul Croney OBE is Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Teesside University. He has worked in four universities and held a succession of leadership roles over a thirty-year career in ...
Learn about your subject, learn about yourself and learn a whole lot more in between.
We provide our students with access to some amazing placement and internship opportunities via our online jobs board and a dedicated team of work experience officers are available to provide high ...