n July 4, the villages, hillsides and cellars of Champagne will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of their Unesco World Heritage listing. The occasion provides an opportunity for Séverine Couvreur, ...
“The wine industry is both an economic and agricultural pillar and a marker of territorial identity”, stresses the Grand Est regional council - crédit photo : DR nanimously elected at the organisation ...
The partners at the signature ceremony officialising the creation of the RedoxWine joint laboratory on March 7 - crédit photo : Biolaffort edoxWine is the name of the new joint laboratory funded by ...
NGT 1 plants should be considered as equivalent to conventional plants and exempted from the rules currently set out in GMO legislation - crédit photo : Adobe Stock asked with preparing work for the ...
In France, where 60% of Crémants are sold, all sales channels are proving to be bullish, including super/hypermarkets where sales of other specialist French appellations are declining - crédit photo : ...
Farming organisation Confédération Paysanne claims that “winegrowers need coherent restructuring and support that promote the many farming assets rather than tools that continue to subject them to ...
ays d’Oc is determined that the 800 million bottles it markets annually should not be passed off as any old varietal wine. “Who produces 1 million hectolitres of Merlot worldwide? Who produces 800,000 ...
s director of Vignobles & Vins Picard, which owns 160 hectares in Burgundy and the Rhone Valley, Francine Picard has a mantra: “I have two messages that I repeat to the staff and myself and that is to ...
he jury’s still out on 66 magnums of red AOC Côtes-du-Rhône Villages Saint-Andéol placed 12 metres below ground in February 2024 in the cool, dark waters of Le Goul de la Tannerie by winegrowers in ...
L’affaire des Dom Pérignon à 129 € chez Lidl va rebondir en deuxième instance, le négociant faisant appel des lourdes ...
Le vigneron héraultais prend la tête de Confédération Européenne des Vignerons Indépendants pour un mandat s’ouvrant sur la ...
Sans se défiler, le commissaire européen à l’Agriculture Christophe Hansen fait le tour des questions de la filière vin : réponse à l’arrachage temporaire, ...