根据最新消息,苹果公司的流媒体服务Apple TV+正在经历巨额亏损,每年损失高达10亿美元(约合72.32亿元人民币)。尽管2022年该平台的订阅用户增长至约4500万,但这一增长似乎并没有让苹果松一口气。自2019年Apple TV+正式推出以来,苹果在内容制作上的投资已经超过50亿美元,然而在去年的预算中,苹果却选择削减了约5亿美元的支出。
近期有消息爆出,苹果公司旗下的流媒体服务Apple TV+每年竟然狂亏超过10亿美元,折合成人民币约72.32亿元,真是个不小的数字!据IT之家3月20日报道,这一信息来自知情人士的透露。自从2019年问世以来,这个流媒体平台在内容制作上的投入居然超过了50亿美元,听上去就像谭某口中的“捉襟见肘”。不过,苹果在去年略微缩减了预算,削减了约5亿美元,看来也是打算控制一下这疯狂的烧钱节奏。
Apple TV+ is reportedly losing $1B a year, with some blaming its "woke" storytelling in shows like Ted Lasso. Is prestige TV ...
Apple TV+ is also experiencing tremendous financial struggles, losing more than $1 billion every year even with hit shows ...
Apple is reportedly cutting its Apple TV+ budget as this is its only service that is losing money, but the report ...
After more than a year of speculation, Apple TV+ has ordered a fourth season of its Emmy-winning comedy Ted Lasso. The pickup ...
"'Ted Lasso' is officially returning back to the football pitch for a fourth season that will reunite the team behind the ...
自《Ted Lasso》在Apple TV+全球首播以来,该剧便取得了巨大成功,打破多项记录并获得广泛好评。第一季创下首播季喜剧类艾美奖提名最多的记录,并凭借前两季连续获得艾美奖最佳喜剧类剧集奖。
据最新报道,苹果公司的流媒体平台Apple TV +正面临巨额亏损的困境。据知情人士透露,该服务的年度亏损额已超过10亿美元,折合人民币约为72.32亿元。尽管Apple TV +的订阅用户数量在去年有所增长,达到了约4500万,但其财务状况依然严峻。
Ted Lasso's Season 4 return is helping the series climb the streaming charts as everyone catches up with what they missed.
Jason Sudeikis is coming back as coach Ted, with Hannah Waddingham, Brett Goldstein and Jeremy Swift expected to return as Rebecca Welton, Roy Kent and Leslie Higgins, respectively. Juno Temple is ...
Apple TV+ is reportedly losing more than $1 billion per year as the company is spending $4.5 billion on content annually.