In the twilight of his life, Tibet’s spiritual leader casts an eye on the past and his struggle with the Chinese regime.
Among them, in disguise, was Tibet’s temporal and spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama ... benign but rueful eye back at the past in “Voice for the Voiceless,” an account of what the author ...
西藏流亡精神领袖达赖喇嘛星期二(3月11日)出版新书,名为《为无声者发声》(Voice for the Voiceless)。他在书中勾勒了“西藏未来的框架”,旨在为他圆寂后的西藏提供指引,指导同胞将来如何与北京打交道。
In a landmark resolution, the Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition urged Prime Minister Modi to award the ...
Writing in the state-run Global Times, Zhu stated that the succession “is first and foremost an important political matter”, ...
In the Dalai Lama’s new memoir, Voice for the Voiceless, the spiritual leader directly addresses Tibet’s struggle for ...
In his new book, Voice for the Voiceless, the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader details his lifetime of futile negotiations with ...
The Dalai Lama’s successor will be born outside China, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism says in a new book, raising ...
In his latest book, A Voice for the Voiceless, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, unveiled his political “plan” for Tibet’s ...
In my role as the Dalai Lama, I was trying to mitigate the disaster for my people. On October 26, 1951, approximately three ...
The Dalai Lama 's successor will be born outside China, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism says in a new book, raising ...