Maybe life could use liquid methane instead of water ... By that measure, we might already have found alien life. That is to say, multiple pieces of evidence exist that we may someday recognize ...
So, if astrobiologists ever do find alien life with a weird chemistry that uses some liquid other than water, it's not likely to be methane, ammonia, or molten rock — but somewhere out there ...
Related: Alien life could thrive in Venus' acidic ... Candidates ranged from the liquid forms of methane and ethane, ammonia and carbon dioxide to even stranger possibilities like pitch and ...
These lakes would not spawn similar life to Earth because they are made of liquid methane, not water ... which would mean our only chance of detecting aliens is on planets beyond our solar ...
Our fascination with alien life took off after Galileo’s new ... and Enceladus (a satellite of Saturn). Both harbour a liquid water ocean underneath a thick icy crust. It’s thought there ...
In 2005, an alien probe flew through the hazy and cold ... spotted "drainage canals" that suggest rivers of liquid methane run on the moon and gently set down on the surface, NASA said.