Bees make great pollinators, but so do butterflies. Here are some tips on how to create a butterfly-friendly pollinator ...
Let's dive into the world of butterfly-friendly flowers and learn how to cultivate these stunning blooms in your garden. The butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii) is a magnet for butterflies ...
National Plant a Flower Day is all about celebrating the beauty of flowers. Planting them can also help save pollinators like monarch butterflies.
Three quarters of butterfly species are in decline in the UK, but gardeners can play a key role in providing colourful visitors with much-needed habitats. Even small gardens in built-up areas can ...
For your garden to blossom with your fluttering butterfly friends, you will need both nectar plants and host plants. Certain butterflies are attracted to certain plants, and you may find that ...
Monarch butterfly populations are plummeting, with a shocking 96% drop recorded in the Western Monarch Count. Scientists warn ...
a post-doctoral researcher at the Chicago Botanic Garden who studies butterflies. All it takes is planting a few flowers and avoiding insecticides. Here’s what to know: Researchers across the United ...
One example of this is the eastern monarch butterfly ... is how one can make sure their garden is constantly providing nectar for the butterflies. For example, plants like scorpion-tail and ...
As spring arrives, garden centers are preparing for an influx of customers eager to revitalize their outdoor spaces. Among the most common requests?
“We like a big diversity of colors, we want beautiful showy flowers,” said Dorian. The movement to plant butterfly gardens has really taken off in the past decade. “It’s incredibly ...