Digital Sun于2019年发布的畅销动作角色扮演游戏《夜勤人》即将推出备受期待的续作《夜勤人2:无尽宝库》,寻宝冒险和商业经营将在本作中实现前所未有的融合。这款游...... 505 Games 和 Rabbit & Bear Studios 共同宣布《百英雄传》DLC故事扩展包的发布日期,这些扩展包将扩展我们三个主要角色的故事线。 在丹麦团队 The Outer Zone 和 波兰11位 ...
There is a chance that the trailer’s tattooed man winds up being a side character in the main story, and if that’s the case, you can bet that Lawrence-Joker will have something to say about it.
Lawrence Sullivan, aka the "Florida Joker," claims he is being harassed after threatening legal action against Rockstar Games for using his likeness in Grand Theft Auto 6. Despite the character in ...