Indian solar modules maker Premier Energies on Monday said it will put its plan on hold to build a 1 gigawatt (GW) solar cell manufacturing facility in the U.S., after newly-elected President Trump ...
日前,国际权威学术期刊《Science》在线发表题为“Wafer-scale monolayer MoS2 film integration for stable, efficient perovskite solar cells”的创新研究成果。该成果由我校材料科学与工程学院宰华超副教授作为第一作者与北京大学周欢萍教授(我校材料科学与工程学院2001级本科校友)等合作完成。
Scientists in China built a four-terminal perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cell based on a top semi-transparent perovskite device with an efficiency of 21.26% and a high bifaciality factor of 92.2%. They ...