Ya se conocen los detalles del soterramiento del último tramo de la Castellana, un proyecto del Ayuntamiento de Madrid que ...
El urbanismo táctico utiliza intervenciones temporales, económicas y de pequeña escala para mejorar el espacio público y la vida en las ciudades. La planificación urbanística suele asociarse a ...
The indicators that assess the impact of these actions by Madrid Nuevo Norte were prepared based on the 169 targets associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets taken on by ...
Inés es arquitecta y máster en igualdad de oportunidades. Actualmente investiga y coordina los proyectos de la Cátedra UNESCO de Políticas de Género en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la ...
The Fuencarral Residents Work Group provides a meeting place for residents who live in the vicinity of Fuencarral. It covers general topics that concern the district and initiatives to make it more ...
The indicators that assess the impact of these actions by Madrid Nuevo Norte were prepared based on the 169 targets associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets taken on by ...
The indicators that assess the impact of these actions by Madrid Nuevo Norte were prepared based on the 169 targets associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets taken on by ...
The indicators that assess the impact of these actions by Madrid Nuevo Norte were prepared based on the 169 targets associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets taken on by ...
The Low Carbon Demonstration Zone (ADAC) is a pioneering example of public-private collaboration, leading toward a zero-emissions city. What is the Low Carbon Demonstration Zone? In order to take full ...
Pilar Merino es la presidenta de la Asociación de Arte Inclusivo Hyggelig. Esta asociación trabaja con personas con diversidad funcional, centrándose principalmente en potenciar su enorme talento ...