Cho: Japan and the United States have become ‘big governments.’ Government spending as a share of GDP remains high at 44.55% in Japan, followed by 34.38% in the United States. When do you think the ...
Master Okawa, founder of Happy Science, is a living Buddha of the 21st century and a World Teacher of True Happiness. In the tradition of Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, and Moses, Master ...
Родилась в городе Харькове на северо-востоке Украины. Получила докторскую степень в университете Колорадо, США. До этого работала телевизионным журналистом и занимала должность главного ...
Happy Science is an organization of people who aim to cultivate their souls and deepen their love and wisdom through learning and practicing the teachings (the Truth) taught by Master Ryuho Okawa.
After conducting the clairvoyant future reading about North Korea with Edgar Cayce, Master Okawa searched the spirit world to find North Korea’s founding father, Kim Il-Sung. Kim Il-Sung’s spirit is ...
The Question: Some of the young people in Generation Y, also known as Millennials, feel that they are power harassed or bullied as soon as they are told off, and become arrogant as soon as they are pr ...
Due to benevolent support by our readers, the February 2020 edition of The Liberty published at the end of December is our 300th issue. We appreciate your constant support and contribution. We’re ...
Thank you for reading, subscribing to, and supporting The Liberty Web. We strive to share articles about how to make the right value judgments on the latest news, and we need your help to fund this.
Q1: I don’t believe in spiritual messages. A1: All of the world’s religions started from spiritual messages. Modern society is not familiar with spiritual messages, but if we unravel the thread of ...
‘영언현상’이란 저 세상의 영존재(靈存在)의 말을 이야기하여 내리는 현상. 이것은 고도의 깨달음을 얻은 자 특유의 능력이며 ‘영매현상’(트랜스 상태가 되어 의식을 잃고 영이 일방적으로 말하는 현상)과는 다르다. 또 외국인 영의 영언에는 영언 현상을 ...
Le coronavirus découvert récemment continue de se propager. Selon les autorités chinoises, plus de 80 000 personnes en ont été infectées et 2 986 personnes en sont mortes (au 08/03/2020). Le nombre de ...
Some of the young people in Generation Y, also known as Millennials, feel that they are power harassed or bullied as soon as they are told off, and become arrogant as soon as they are praised. Also, ...