To make good decisions that involve nature, we need to understand how nature supports our economy and wellbeing. Natural capital accounting (also known as environmental-economic accounting) helps us ...
Flying-fox camps, survey date: ...
Coral Sea Reefs, cays and herbivorous fish of the Marion Plateau ...
The annual Finalised Priority Assessment List (FPAL) is the list of species, ecological communities and key threatening processes that have been prioritised by the Threatened Species Scientific ...
The Mary Ellis is one of only a small number of South Australian shipwrecks that are visible above water at all times. It is located at ‘Wreck Beach’ within the Lincoln National Park, and is familiar ...
This search page allows species listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to be compared against taxonomy, State and Territory Government listing status ...
Marloo left Mackay for Brisbane on the 26 of September 1914 with a general cargo and passengers. The vessel struck a submerged danger eastward of the Great Sandy Island on the 27 of September and ...
The 'Valiero' left Port Douglas for Melbourne on the 20th January with a cargo of cedar. The vessel was wrecked when it struck Pioneer Rock in the Whitsunday Passage on the 31st January. The captain ...
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The whaling barque Arachne was originally built as HMS Arachne, an 18 gun brig sloop of the Cruiser Class (two x 6 pwd long guns and 16 x 32 pwd carronades, 121 men). It was ordered in 1806, the keel ...
The You Yangs was a barque rigged screw steamer. At the time of loss it belonged to Howard Smith and Sons. The vessel was built at the yards of Scott Russel and Company of London in 1856. It was 546 ...