The Council adopted an assistance measures worth €20 million under the European Peace Facility in 2025 to support the Armed Forces of Mauritania.
The press briefing ahead of the Environment Council will take place on Tuesday, 25 March at 11.00. These press briefings will be "off the record" and will take place in a hybrid format: EU accredited ...
Utilizamos cookies para asegurarnos de que tenga usted la mejor experiencia de navegación posible en el sitio web del Consejo. Ciertas cookies sirven para obtener estadísticas agregadas sobre las ...
The Council adopted today a regulation on financial benchmarks with the aim of reducing red tape for EU companies, particularly SMEs. Benchmarks are widely used by companies and investors in the EU as ...
Vijeće je donijelo novi zakonodavni akt kako bi se na razini EU-a poboljšalo prikupljanje statistike tržišta rada o poslovnim subjektima.
Consiliul a adoptat un nou act legislativ pentru a îmbunătăți colectarea statisticilor privind piața forței de muncă referitoare la întreprinderi la nivelul UE.
Ghlac an Chomhairle dlí nua lena gcuirtear feabhas ar bhailiú staidreamh an mhargaidh saothair maidir le gnólachtaí ar leibhéal an Aontais.
Il-Kunsill adotta liġi ġdida biex itejjeb il-ġbir tal-istatistika tas-suq tax-xogħol dwar in-negozji fil-livell tal-UE.
Der Rat hat ein neues Gesetz angenommen, mit dem die Erhebung von unternehmensbezogenen Arbeitsmarktstatistiken auf EU-Ebene verbessert wird.
Il Consiglio ha adottato un nuovo regolamento al fine di migliorare la rilevazione di statistiche del mercato del lavoro relative alle imprese a livello dell'UE.
De Raad heeft een nieuwe verordening aangenomen die ervoor moet zorgen dat op EU-niveau betere arbeidsmarktstatistieken over ondernemingen worden verzameld.
A Tanács új jogszabályt fogadott el, amelynek célja a gazdasági szervezetekkel kapcsolatos munkaerőpiaci statisztikák gyűjtésének javítása uniós szinten.