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The course is based on peer- and self-regulated learning strategies and theories of experiential learning, collaboration, and meaningful learning. To profit as much as possible from the learning ...
Volker develops new model systems to study the human tissue crosstalk in type 2 diabetes. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.
We work to transfer research results and knowledge from clinical and medical research to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, orthopedics, and pediatric neurology, as well as other healthcare science ...
Cell wall remodeling proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: structure, function and inhibition Eva Maria Rebrova 978-91-7676-848-8 ...
Here is a selection of KI doctoral theses since 2019 within the scope of the research network KI Lifestyle4Health ...
In this research group, the research areas of global surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery meet. The research is to a large extent focused on the development and improvement of surgical health ...
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The term microtia describes a spectrum of congenital anomalies of the auricle of the ear. These can range from mild structural abnormalities to complete absence of the ear (anotia). Previous ...
KI scientist, doctoral students and staff interested in collaboration with Japan are encouraged to participate in the meetings and join the network. Meetings are held regularly 1-2 times per semester ...
The research cluster ICU metabolism focuses on metabolic and nutritional problems in the critically ill patient undergoing major surgery and intensive care. The research group in on the edge of basic ...