Latest step in Nvidia's entry into the telco network space involves a plan to foster an AI-native 6G wireless stack, with a ...
Samsung today became the latest large vendor to update on its AI-RAN work. In what was essentially an update on the demos it ...
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Cohere Technologies' CEO Ray Dolan on the company's latest move to commercialise its spectrum multiplying technology. And the creation of a new integrated sensing and communications technology.
Levels of virtual, levels of open.
Just before MWC a year ago, Dell launched its Infrastructure Automation Suite, designed to automate the orchestration and lifecycle management of multi-vendor, network cloud infrastructure. This year ...
We’ve seen three areas where telco cloud-native is making headway. The first is transitioning network functions to be cloud-native, where the requirement is to support a specific set of performance ...
NGMN members don't all agree on 6G, and want time to work things out. It's time to "guide rethinking" on 6G values. A new position paper from Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN) counsels ...