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The bible readings were chosen by my Sister Mary and me to reflect Father John's three major concerns; first with the Old Testament prophets who call us to repentance and remind us of God's power and ...
As of May 5, the Catholic Charities Fund Appeal has raised $5,002,357, or 61 percent of the 2008 goal of $8,200,000. To date, 12,802 individual gifts have been received. Anthony T. Gwiazdowski, ...
Staffed by six friars, the chapel opens mornings, Monday-Friday, at 6:30 a.m., and closes at 5 p.m. The sacrament of penance is offered from 7:20-7:50 a.m. and 11 a.m.-noon. Mass is celebrated at 7 ...
St. John makes no mention of the post-baptismal temptations of Christ. St. Mark offers a brief mention of the event: “At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, and he remained in the … more ...
With its mailed delivery to more than 41,000 readers, Rhode Island Catholic has by far the highest circulation of all paid-subscription weeklies in Rhode Island and the second-highest circulation ...
Please understand that I mention these initiatives not to boast, nor to claim any special credentials but, simply to say that I, like the institutional church itself, am committed to many social ...