This course is about database systems, focusing on relational databases. It covers advanced use of such systems, including advanced SQL, SQL query optimization, and use of indexes. The course also ...
Integrert elektronikk er ryggraden i elektronikkrevolusjonen som startet med den første integrerte kretsen i 1958 og som for tiden er legemliggjort av smarttelefonene i alles lommer. Deres sentrale ...
This course describes the climate changes which are currently occurring, as well as their underlying causes and effects on both the environment and society. These are viewed in comparison with natural ...
Undervisningen i i emnet består av forelesninger og kurs. Forelesningene i strafferett gir oversikt over temaer fra alminnelig strafferett, herunder ansvarslæren, legalitetsprinsippet, teorier om ...
In this course you will learn about understanding in the development and use of digital systems. You learn about different systems, the needs of users, and the social significance of the systems, and ...
This course will give you an introduction to robotics. You will learn about the mechanical structure of robots, the spatial description of robots and transformations. The course also deals with ...
How to become a chemistry researcher or work with chemistry in working life? A project assignment at bachelor level is a safe and exciting step into a world where not all questions have been answered.
Overleaf er en nettbasert skrive- og publiseringsverktøy for å opprette, redigere og samarbeide om L A T E X-dokumenter. Les mer i nyhetssaken om Overleaf på UiO, som også inneholder lenke til ...
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to basic proteomics techniques. PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through ...
This course explains the basics of renewable and non-renewable resource exploitation and management and the relation between fossil fuel extraction and climate change. It covers open access and ...
Undervisningen består av 4 timer forelesning og 2 timer gruppeundervisning pr uke. Undervisningen samkjøres med undervisningen i IN1900 første halvdel av semesteret. I den siste delen vil det være ...
Digital signal processing is a basis for the development of new methods in areas such as telecommunications (mobile telephony), multimedia (MP3), medicine (ultrasound), sonar, seismic, remote sensing ...