A growing number of government agencies are looking to leverage human-centered design (HCD) principles to improve services ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa A recent survey of local government IT executives found that 53% are gearing up for artificial intelligence ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa If placed end-to-end, the length of United States’ bridges in need of substantial repair would span more than 6,000 ...
Thanks to a pilot program supported by CARES Act funding, 10 parks in Grand Rapids, Mich., now have free public Wi-Fi access. According to the city’s parks and recreation department, the Network in a ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa The federal government is investing $600 million to fund thousands of environmental justice projects through the ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa As communities across the United States combat climate change at the local level, incentivizing energy efficient changes ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa Cybersecurity in 2021 was defined by a significant increase in high-profile attacks that affected all levels of government ...
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa Home is where the heart is. There’s no place like home. There are plenty of sayings quotes to make light of where people ...
* The consumer and producer price indexes are published monthly by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.