At CMU, exceptional women are advancing the frontiers of innovation and passionately inspiring the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians to make their own lasting ...
These SURF grants enabled young researchers interested in robotics to collaborate with esteemed faculty, build professional networks and receive financial support to focus solely on their project, ...
Across Carnegie Mellon University, nationally and internationally recognized women utilize their expertise across technological fields.
These 24 Carnegie Mellon University alumni all have two things in common — they’re members of CMU’s Tartans on the Rise class for 2025, and they’re changing the world.
Thought leaders from industry, academia, government and civil society gathered to discuss the ethics and governance of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) March 10-11 at the K&L Gates-Carnegie ...
Be in the know. Join the Mathematical Science Alumni Group.
What privacy protections are in place (for me and my students) when we conduct class sessions via Zoom? CMU has an enterprise license agreement with Zoom, and Computing Services manages that license.
Are you interested in applying for a job or internship but don't know where to start? Here at the CPDC, we assist you every step of the way. By understanding each phase of the search process, you are ...
Based in the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Traffic21 takes a multi-disciplinary approach to developing and deploying intelligent solutions for the transportation sector.
CMU's Web search is powered by Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) which supports the following browsers: ...
Drop-in tutoring targets our highest demand courses through regularly scheduled open tutoring sessions during the fall and spring semesters. You are not required to commit to regular attendance and ...
Many opportunities for study abroad exist. Whether you are interested in traveling to a specific region, pursuing a particular field of study, finding volunteer and service opportunities, or traveling ...