With the first large dataset from the Euclid space telescope, researchers discover 26 million galaxies and the detailed ...
Mit dem ersten großen Datensatz des Euclid-Weltraumteleskops entdecken Forschende 26 Millionen Galaxien und die detaillierte ...
Jochem Marotzke, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, spent several years researching in the USA himself. He ...
The Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research carries out basic molecular biological research on plants. The goal of the Cologne-based scientists is to improve conventional breeding methods and ...
Contrary to previous claims, the ocean releases less microplastics into the atmosphere than it absorbs from it and is ...
Das Projekt Polybot erhält 220.000 Euro für die Entwicklung eines intelligenten Ernte-Roboters zur Förderung nachhaltiger ...
Der Ozean gibt entgegen früherer Behauptungen weniger Mikroplastik in die Atmosphäre ab, als er aus ihr aufnimmt und ist ...
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences – and yet also one of the most modern. The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg is proof of this. The researchers here decipher the mysteries of the ...
Born 1966 in Tehran, Iran. Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of California in Davis (1987), Ph.D. in Physics (supervisors: E. A. Hinds and S. Haroche) from Yale University (1993), ...
The aim of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig is to investigate human cognitive abilities and brain processes. The main focus of the research is on the neuronal ...
The name suggests a very broad field: The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. And indeed, the researchers in Garching do study all sorts of objects outside the Earth – but they do set ...