The Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP) is available to current members of the Ohio Army & Air National Guard, as well as former members with qualifying deployment time (Latta Amendment ...
The Active Guard/Reserve program is open to current Soldiers and Airmen of the Ohio National Guard. The AGR program requires military membership in the Ohio National Guard as a condition of employment ...
The Governor is the commander in chief of the Ohio National Guard and, as such, has the authority to activate the Ohio National Guard to support and assist local authorities during state emergencies ...
Welcome to the Ohio Army National Guard Active Guard Program! The objective of the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) program is to provide highly qualified Soldiers to meet the full-time support requirements ...
The objective of the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) program is to provide highly qualified Soldiers to meet the full-time support requirements for Ohio National Guard units, projects and programs. AGR ...
Organized in 2020, the Ohio Cyber Reserve (OhCR) comprises civilian cyber professionals from academia and private/public enterprise. These volunteers form regional OhCR teams that are available for ...
Established in 1949, the Ohio Military Reserve (OHMR) is a key part of the Adjutant General’s Department. The OHMR is focused on providing capabilities related to Emergency Support Functions 6 (Mass ...
Visitors should be aware that, subject to certain statutory exceptions, most documents and records maintained by the state of Ohio, including but not limited to electronic data, are public records ...
Over the decades Soldiers and Airmen have served the Ohio National Guard (ONG) with a tradition of honor and dedication. The Adjutant General’s intent for the ONG Alumni Relations Program is to ...
The ACOE Program is a commander's self-assessment process which is broad enough to accommodate a variety of approaches that can be tailored to any organization, command or installation. Leaders and ...
Village of Obetz police respond to a fatal vehicle accident April 13, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio. The collision occurred when an automobile made a left turn in front of the motorcyclist. May is ...
Over the decades Soldiers and Airmen have served the Ohio National Guard (ONG) with a tradition of honor and dedication. The Adjutant General's intent for the ONG Alumni Relations Program is to ...