Welcome to our website! Our group is carrying out research on several aspects of parasite ecology and evolution, on a variety of host and parasite taxa, and using a range of experimental, genetic and ...
I will begin this essay by defining the terms abject and abjection. I will then proceed to outline how Kristeva's theory of abjection works by summarising the main points of The Powers Of Horror: An ...
For each study there is generally a file of detector coordinates xxxxtrap.txt and a file of detection (capture) data xxxxcapt.txt. Please use these files only for experimentation with the software.
The DMP tool helps you create research data management plans to meet University and funding requirements.
Kate Chopin is best known in the literary world of today as author of the novel The Awakening. Highly controversial in its time, The Awakening deals with the condition of the nineteenth century woman ...
Born and raised in Brazil, I completed a BSc and teaching degree in Biological Sciences, at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where I also did a MSc in Molecular Biology and Evolution. I ...
Botany is a 21st century subject built on a rich heritage contributed to and developed by many. Although botany was taught at the University of Otago from the outset, it was in 1924 that the Botany ...
This resource is a guide to specialised knowledge at Otago, with a particular focus on serving the needs of print or broadcast media professionals seeking stories, comment, interviews, or background.
Jacques Prévert, France's most widely read poet since Victor Hugo, was born in Paris in 1900. He left school in 1915 and worked at various jobs until 1920 when he served in the military in Lorraine ...
Three-dimensional network representation of the Otago Harbour intertidal mudflat food web. Free-living taxa are shown in blue, and parasitic ones in red. The vertical position of a taxon corresponds ...
Keen to learn more about what one of New Zealand’s leading postgraduate research universities has to offer you? Here you can create your own PDF introductory guide. In addition to information covering ...