Naomi Klein, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (London: Penguin, 2023).
Romantic bureaucracy Alexander Kojève’s post-historical wisdom Boris groys Alexandre Kojève became famous primarily for his discourse on the end of history and the posthistorical condition – the ...
Some spasm of the Zeitgeist (or was it an astrological conjunction?) in the 1990s gave birth to an extraordinary rash of books about vampires, werewolves, zombies and assorted mutants, as though a ...
Obituary Norman O. Brown, 1913–2002Norman O. Brown was born in New Mexico in 1913 and educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and at the University of Wisconsin. His tutor at Oxford was Isaiah Berlin. A ...
Dossier PROPERT Y, POWER, LAW Race, real estate and real abstraction Brenna Bhandar and alberto Toscano The crises and mutations of contemporary capitalism have rendered palpable Marx’s observation ...
Recent cultural histories have gone to considerable lengths to define an ‘alternative modernity’ for China, going back to the commercial developments of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth ...
From September 2013 to February 2014 I led a project on ‘Caste in Britain’ for the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).* It culminated in two research reports. [1] The remit of the project ...
Levels of Analysis in Marxian Political Economy: An Unoist Approach Robert Albritton Nearly every major thinker and school of thought within contemporary Marxian political economy has made some ...
Sianne Ngai, Theory of the Gimmick: Aesthetic Judgement and Capitalist Form (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020), 416pp., £28.95 hb., 978 0 67498 454 7 ‘[I]f only we ...
Étienne Balibar, Barbara Cassin, Alain de Libera Introduction by Peter Osborne.
COMMENTARy Alternative economics A new student movement Engelbert stockhammer and devrim yilmaz Economics is in crisis. The profession is under attack from the media, employers and the general public.
Reviews Half a Critique Jean-Paul Sartre, Critique of Dialectical Reason, trans. Alan Sheridan Smith, ed. Jonathan Ree, New Left Books, 820pp, £15.00 Pietro Chiodi, Sartre and Marxism, trans. Kate ...