There are many factors which may determine what you can enjoy safely on any given day. However, the start of the season is a ...
RYA Scotland Impact Awards are designed to recognise outstanding contributions within the Scottish sailing community. Today, we’re celebrating two of our latest RYA Scotland Impact Award recipients, ...
The government is also planning to introduce multiple monitoring points at each bathing water location as part of a change to regulations. It means recreational water users like sailors, paddlers, ...
RYA Cymru Wales has appointed a Pathway & Events Officer to support the planning and delivery of high-quality training and racing. The new role will see Hatty Morsley developing the RYA Pathway Clubs ...
The RYA has written to the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Raynor, the Secretary of State for DEFRA, Steve Reed OBE, and the No. 10 ...
It’s been fantastic to see the enthusiasm on our social media channels for our next major event in Wales – the Big Day Out! Whether you are an instructor or coach, volunteer or paid member of staff, ...
This is the course to take to develop your skills from an RYA Dinghy Instructor to RYA Senior Instructor. The 4-day course will cover: the role of a Senior Instructor, preparation and delivery of ...
Could you help us navigate uncharted waters of public policy? Policy and regulation have become increasingly unpredictable. The challenge of keeping ahead of change is great, and success is dependent ...
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has been working on a “Sport and Pleasure Code of Practice”, so legislation can be updated to meet the rapidly changing needs of the small commercial vessel ...
Safeguarding training is now a requirement for becoming an RYA Race Official in all disciplines, further details can be found in the Race Officials Competency document. This course is run online over ...
Here you'll find government safety alerts and product recall notices for unsafe recreational boating equipment. You have not accepted all cookies, so some of the functionalities on this page will not ...