The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) celebrated a major victory on Thursday when the Mayor of the Ekurhuleni Metro, Mr Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, announced in his State of the City Address that the ...
The Sedibeng District Municipality has decided to increase its wage bill budget with R50,5 million. At present, the total budget amounts to R420 million, of which 77,5% is spent on salaries. With the ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) has requested the Speaker of the Ekurhuleni Metro Council, Ms Nthabiseng Tshivhenga, to take steps against her EFF colleagues who delayed the annual State of the City ...
The Eastern Cape’s provincial budget for 2025/26, with specific reference to the mere R153 million earmarked for Community Safety, is unacceptable. This amount falls far short in a province plagued by ...
Die VF Plus het die vonke behoorlik laat spat tydens ‘n raadsvergadering van die Rustenburg-plaaslike munisipaliteit (RLM) in ʼn repliek op ʼn mosie van wantroue in die VF Plus-voorsitter van die ...
ʼn Gestremde VF Plus-raadslid in die Rand West-plaaslike munisipaliteit (Randfontein, Westonaria) moes vandag weereens teen ʼn stel trappe opgedra word om ʼn raadsvergadering by te woon. Die hysbak in ...
When anyone says or sings that people of a certain group should be shot or killed, it will always amount to hate speech, and be divisive and absolutely unacceptable, especially in a country where ...
Miljoene rand se ongebruikte voorraad lê en stof opgaar by die Ekurhuleni-metro se energiedepartement terwyl basiese items soos gloeilampe nie beskikbaar is nie. Luidens ʼn verslag van die ...
Wanneer iemand sê of sing dat mense van ‘n sekere groep geskiet en doodgemaak moet word, is en bly dit haatspraak, verdelend en absoluut onaanvaarbaar, veral in ‘n land waar groot rassespanning ervaar ...
Eskom se besluit dat huishoudings met sonkragstelsels meer vir hul krag moet betaal, is begryplik alhoewel dit waarskynlik die teenoorgestelde uitwerking gaan hê as waarvoor hy hoop. Huishoudings wat ...
Die Oos-Kaap se provinsiale begroting vir 2025/26, met spesifieke verwysing na die skamele R153 miljoen wat aan gemeenskapsveiligheid toegeken is, is onaanvaarbaar. Hierdie bedrag is totaal ...
It appears that President Cyril Ramaphosa has resorted to the letter of the Constitution in a bid to appoint a new ambassador to replace Ebrahim Rasool. In the process, he is once again turning his ...