South Africa is a constitutional democracy. The supreme rule of law is an integral part of it and South Africans have to abide by it. However, when the country’s highest court condones incitement to ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) raised its objection to the decision by the Tshwane Metro Council to write off R63 million spent on renovating the Pretoria City Hall as a fruitless expenditure. The ...
The screws of American sanctions against South Africa are being tightened and the ANC in the Government of National Unity (GNU) should take note of it. According to a ...
Die VF Plus doen ʼn beroep op inwoners en grondeienaars in die landelike gebiede van Gauteng om hul paraatheid op te skerp ná die plaasaanval op mnr. Adriaan Vos buite Westonaria die nag van 16 Maart ...
Die VF Plus in die Swartland-plaaslike munisipaliteit (Abbotsdale, Chatsworth, Darling, Kalbaskraal, Koringberg, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg, Riebeeck Kasteel, Riebeeck West, Riverlands, Yzerfontein) het ...
The rising levels of crime at healthcare clinics in the Tshwane Metro have a detrimental impact on service delivery to residents. From the annual report on the 2023/24 financial year it can be gleaned ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) cannot support the Tshwane Metro’s draft budget for the 2025/26 financial year, and proposes that the focus should shift to getting value for money with procurement ...
The Sedibeng District Municipality has decided to increase its wage bill budget with R50,5 million. At present, the total budget amounts to R420 million, of which 77,5% is spent on salaries. With the ...
Die skroewe van Amerikaanse sanksies teen Suid-Afrika word reeds stywer gedraai en die ANC in die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) moet hiervan kennis neem ...
Die VF Plus steun nie die besluit van die Wes-Rand-distriksmunisipaliteit om ʼn mandaat aan die munisipale bestuurder, Elias Koloi, te gee om die bekende Donaldsondam onvoorwaardelik te verhuur nie.
Millions of rand in unused inventory is gathering dust at the Ekurhuleni Metro’s Energy Department, while basic items such as light bulbs are not available. According to a report by the Energy ...
Die VF Plus verwerp die voorgestelde watertariefverhoging van 11% vir die Mangaung-metro ten sterkste. Dit volg nadat dié verhoging voorgestel is in die konsepbegroting vir die 2025/26 finansiële jaar ...