即便如此,RTX 5090仍然能够在8K分辨率下提供可玩的游戏帧率。 在DLSS 3质量模式下,游戏在初始区域能够达到60FPS,即使在战斗中也能保持流畅运行。
NHK, in collaboration with Sharp Corporation, has constructed of the world’s first 85V-type HDR 8K LCD that is compliant with this HDR scheme (Picture). The display has a highly efficient ...
继2019年推出全球首款8K消费级全景相机QooCam 8K后,时隔5年看到科技再献力作,为用户带来更极致出色的影像体验。QooCam 3 Ultra不仅延续了上一代产品 ...
264, AV1, VP9, AVS2, can achieve up to 8K@30fps performance based on 12nm process node, and 8K@60fps or 8K@120fps based on more advanced process nodes or ... It can provide better video technology ...