"The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D is extremely powerful in games, which makes it easier to recommend than other recent processors like ...
AMD(超威)已经正式解禁了两款全新锐龙9000X3D处理器的性能,随着多家知名媒体、社区KOL的首发评测上线,广大DIY用户们迎来了一场消费级处理器的性能狂欢盛宴,他们普遍认为AMD 锐龙9 ...
AMD's new Ryzen 9 9950X3D and Ryzen 9 9900X3D processors have gone up for sale at Newegg, but stock isn't likely to last long ...
IT之家 3 月 12 日消息,AMD 锐龙 9 9900X3D 和 9950X3D 处理器今日(3 月 12 日)22:00 正式上市,售价分别为 4599 元和 5599 元,首发定金 100 元抵 200 元, 到手价分别为 4499 元和 ...
The latest AMD CPUs are already proving to be popular--here's where you'll likely find them in stock. After launching the Radeon RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT GPUs last week, AMD has now officially launched ...
3月12日22点,AMD锐龙9 9900X3D处理器和9950X3D处理器新品正式开售,售价分别为4599元和5599元。这两款处理器新品在预售期间就因拉满的游戏和专业性能备受玩家期待,开售后首销货量更在3分钟内售罄。家住北京的张先生作为首批下单参与预售且付完尾款的幸运用户,当晚收到了京东采销和AMD CPU业务负责人亲自上门配送的AMD锐龙9 ...
46 分钟on MSN
早前AMD在CES上正式公布了AMD锐龙9000系列中两款旗舰型号的“X3D”技术的处理器,分别是AMD锐龙9 9950X3D和AMD锐龙9 9900X3D。两颗旗舰处理器带来全新的3D ...
Newegg Commerce, Inc. , a global leader in e-commerce for technology products, is excited to announce the launch of the highly anticipated AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D processors.
BUYPOWER, a leading system integrator of high-performance custom and prebuilt gaming PCs, announced today the general availability of computer systems using AMD's new line of AMD Ryzen™ 9 9000X3D ...
4 小时
电手 on MSN帧数暴涨33%!AMD最强桌面CPU R9-9950X3D测试出炉要说目前哪家 CPU 最适合打游戏,大伙儿肯定会异口同声地喊出 AMD 家的 X3D 系列 CPU。 就在去年 11 月份,AMD 带来了全新的 R7-9800X3D,顺利地从上代 R7-7800X3D 手中接过了「游戏之王CPU」的称号。
For years, Intel ruled the processor market, but the tides have turned. AMD has taken the lead, delivering faster, more efficient, ...