To say the Friesian horse is an elegant breed is an understatement. Its distinct, black coat and silky mane make it a sight to behold, which is why it comes as no surprise that this horse has been ...
Friesian bull calf prices have hit new heights as demand has seen their price become unrecognisable compared to other years.
There was a full clearance of 41 heifers at the Donegal Holstein Friesian Breeder’s club sale last week which saw prices for ...
Agriland took a trip to Blessington mart in Co. Wicklow on Thursday morning (February 27) where there was a strong demand for ...
“The trade has changed,” said Martin McNamara after the Ennis mart group went through 2,200 cattle over four sales last week. Although numbers were in line with this time last year, Martin ...
Meanwhile, AHV&DD Minister Gabriel D Wangsu hailed the successful insemination of Arunachal’s first AI with imported ...