快科技3月10日消息,AMD 3D缓存技术让锐龙7/8 X3D系列成为爆品游戏神U,因为它们都只有单个CCD,可以专心打游戏,而锐龙9 X3D系列因为有两个CCD、12/16个核心,3D缓存又只放在一个CCD之上,不得不考虑调度问题。
If your PC runs on an AMD chipset, you might have encountered this problem on Windows 11. Windows Update may at times, automatically replace your AMD graphics driver. This can cause errors for ...
If you have an AMD Ryzen processor, it may be worth activating PBO to get more from your CPU. You'll likely have PBO disabled (or set to "auto") by default, though a single UEFI BIOS setting is ...