按照第三方市调机构的统计,第一代Naples EPYC 7001系列诞生之时,也就是2017年的时候,AMD在服务器市场上的份额几乎为零。 加上第二代Rome EPYC 7002 ...
高性能“Zen 5”架构可提供服务器级性能与效率,并结合专属打造的功能,以优化产品寿命和系统弹性 — —思科和 IBM 是首批采用第五代 AMD EPYC 嵌入 ...
The specific series of impacted AMD EPYC CPUs include the following: AMD EPYC 7001 (Naples), AMD Epyc 7002 (Rome), AMD Epyc 7003 (Milan and Milan-X), and AMD Epyc 9004 (Genoa, Genoa-X, and Bergamo ...
AMD said it is on track to launch next-generation EPYC server CPUs next year that will feature up to 96 cores. The chipmaker will then ramp up the core count to 128 with a new slate of EPYC CPUs ...
Advanced Micro Devices announced the expansion of its x86 embedded processor portfolio with the introduction of 5th Gen AMD Epyc Embedded processors. AMD Epyc Embedded 9005 Series CPUs are ...
Nvidia said it chose AMD's latest EPYC server processors over Intel Xeon for the chipmaker's new DGX A100 deep learning system because it needed to squeeze as much juice as possible from its new ...