AMD is working to make FSR 4 a selling point for Radeon GPUs, and is working with developers to make it available in all the big PC 'blockbuster' games.
During a recent sitdown, Asus General Manager Tony Yu asked Lisa Su if AMD plans to bring its Strix Halo APUs to the desktop. The AMD ...
随着 Linux 6.14 稳定版内核于上周日发布,Linux 6.15 的合并窗口即将开启。此次更新将主要带来新硬件驱动支持和修补漏洞。 注意到,Linux 6.15 的合并窗口期将持续两周,更多功能可能随着开发进度动态调整。最终能否合并仍取决于 Linus Torvalds 等核心开发者的审核和决定。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...