Various pathogens can cause skin infections, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The symptoms, treatment, and outlook will depend on the cause. Infections can vary from mild to serious.
Uncomplicated skin infections account for almost 200 million physician-office visits in the USA annually. Treating these infections is estimated to cost in excess of US$350 million each year.
Cutaneous candidiasis is a yeast infection that affects the skin and causes a red rash accompanied by dry and scaly patches of skin. Sometimes, these scales will ooze pus or become crusty. Although ...
Cutaneous candidiasis is a yeast infection that affects the skin and causes a red rash accompanied by dry and scaly patches of skin. Sometimes, these scales will ooze pus or become crusty.
DOCTORS are warning parents that ‘chickenpox parties’ are never a good idea. The gatherings – which aim to expose children to ...
Nutritional interventions at a community level may be the best way forward to both prevent and treat the “flesh-eating” skin ...
Infections due to Fusarium are increasingly ... Due to thrombocytopenia, some lesions become hemorrhagic. The skin lesions are tender and painful. Blood cultures, urine cultures, and stool ...
In today's fast-paced technological advancements in medicine, the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure ...
Domenico Santoro, DVM, MS, DRSC, PhD, talks about common fungal skin infections in cats and dogs, and which patients are at risk ...
Stay safe from waterborne infections to have a happy and festive Holi. Know the tips to prevent, from an expert.