不是什么黑科技,4D已经光明正大地表明来意。 adidas最近推出了ALPHAEDGE 4D跑鞋,采用数字光合技术让可编程液态树脂在光和氧的雕琢下成型,带来一款前所未有的科技中底。 这一次Resn和adidas合作,打造了一个扭曲变形的ALPHAEDGE 4D 发布会现场,让你近距离体验4D ...
"Futurecraft 4D"是指阿迪达斯发布的一款运用全新3D打印技术制造的高性能跑鞋。 所谓全新的3D打印技术即Digital Light Synthesis,由硅谷的科技公司CARBON研发,用于制作adidas Futurecraft 4D跑鞋的中底。 Digital Light Synthesis技术采用透氧光学、数字光投射和可编程液体树脂来 ...
We had multiple challenges to address with the launch of Adidas' first inclusive swimwear line. Firstly, we needed to create awareness of the new range drive purchase to meet our commercial KPIs. But, ...
adidas, a retail brand, launched a campaign in the Middle East and Africa to generate reach and create a conversation, influence women to feel comfortable in and around the water, and induce purchase ...